Saturday, March 26, 2016

Division six (jonokuchi division) my very first Sumo wrestling endeavor.

So on March 24 2016 I find myself getting up a 5am to rush to the train station to hurry down to the EDION Arena Osaka (Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium). I then waited in the line for two hours in the freezing cold to make sure I’m able to get my ticket to adventure. Waiting in line I meet some fun and interesting people and some of them I could actually understand. So after getting my ticket I step into a whole world of prestige and traditions I know little to nothing about. Luckily I made new friends that helped me learn and showed me a part of this would we call Sumo. I will try and relay that information to you with pictures and video.

Stepping into the area I see lots of seats and none of them seem to be nose bleed seats.

First match of the day and they must be feeling the pressure.

Palm to the face.

He tries his hardest to not touch the ground but it’s inevitable.

Pushing so hard against fate.

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